eHouse CAN/RF Intelligent home control devices – Events for digital outputs
This article covers “eHouse CAN” and “eHouse RF” controllers.
home automation eHouse for CAN architecture have a controlled and programmable intelligent digital outputs, which may operate in different modes:
- 4 independent intelligent outputs (for switching electrical appliances On/Off )
- Two independent pairs of intelligent outputs ( to control shutters , drives the gates , window awnings , regulatory solenoid valves , etc. )
- 2 single outputs and one double ( output pairs )
- 3 – 4 outputs controlled together (future)
within 1 eHouse CAN/RF intelligent controller.
This hardware configuration allows you to control virtually any device available on the market regulations and occurring in homes , buildings , homes , offices :
- electrical and electronic equipment on / off
- drives blinds , gates , awnings , door , electronic actuators – Mechanical
- solenoid control (+ , – )
- air conditioners , recuperators , fans (multi-level control (up to 4))
4 controller outputs with 230V/5A relays for resistive load .
However, we do not recommend connection devices with a power greater than 300W. It is not allowed to connect inductive loads such as fluorescent, engines, chokes, transformers with more power than 50 Watts . Large inductive loads significantly increase damage relay contacts as a result of large electrical surges (as in the car ignition coil ).
If you want to connect an inductive load it is necessary to purchase special relays withstand such surge . Smart Home eHouse CAN/RF Connecting the outputs.
Working modes are selected via the configuration program or web page when you select a flag “admin” .
In order do not risk damage of actuators (appliances) it is possible to block other modes by selecting a flag “Disable” for the required outputs in unused modes. This is particularly applicable in the case of directly operated roller shutter drives (motors/servos) , regulatory solenoid where there is a risk of simultaneous inclusion of control in both directions, may cause damage of actuators .
For example: when using 2 outputs in drive mode for gateway , both outputs in single mode operation should be block.
Configuration of outputs is done as a standard run of events starting in Administrative mode (flag “admin” set). The initial configuration of each output can be set after a reset/turn on the controller, as well as changed by sending the appropriate administrative events during normal operation.
Some configurations options require the inclusion of flags “admin”, less critical part of it don’t (advanced administrative settings are not changed, if the admin flag is not selected).
eHouse CAN/RF controllers of smart home system events are compatible with eHouse 1 and Ethernet eHouse events and can be run in any way supported by the controller and eHouse software .
eHouse system event (DirectEvent) consists of 10 bytes in binary form, to facilitate the applications stored in the form of text converted to hexadecimal ( 20 chars : 0..9 , A..F ) .
In general, all system events eHouse include the following information in subsequent bytes in the package :
- 1. address H – address a group of drivers for “eHouse CAN” – ‘7F’, for “eHouse RF” – ‘7E’
- 2. address L – controller address : 0x00 . . 0xff
- 3. CMD – The command command Individual events supported by each type of driver
- 4.. 10 args – The parameters for the command 7 Bytes
Unification enables cooperation of different eHouse versions through integration with software such as eHouse4CServer, eHouse.PRO which transmits all eHouse events
to the appropriate type of eHouse controller and recognizing version/interface by address H .
The following description refers to the number (2 digits ) in hexadecimal ’00’ .. ‘FF’.
In particular, the smart home system event eHouse CAN/RF single digital output is as follows:
- 1. Address H = ‘7F’ for “eHouse CAN”, for “eHouse RF” – ‘7E’
- 2. Address L = ’01’ .. ‘FE’
- 3. CMD – command = ’21’
- 4. Output NR. – Output number counted from 1. for example : ’01’
- 5. Options + state : the sum of the bits , individual bits include off options – 4 older bits
* x80 – Administration mode
* x40 – “disabled” Lock output for single-mode – requires the inclusion of administrative mode
* x20 – future applications
* x10 – future applications
* 4 lowest bits – output state ’00’ .. ‘0F’
* 00 – off ( OFF )
* 01 – on ( ON)
* 02 – switch ( toggle )
* 03 – Recurring event – multiple switching - 6. TimeON High – turn on time higher byte ’00’ . . ‘FF’
- 7 . TimeON Low – turn on time lower byte ’00’ . . ‘FF’ – inclusion of a preset time TimeOff in the case of cyclic switching :
* ‘0000’ permanently
* ‘0001’ .. ‘FFFF’ – will turn off after a certain time in seconds ( 1 .. 65535) = (1s .. 18 hours ) - 8. TimeOff High – turn off time high byte ’00’ .. ‘FF’
- 9. TimeOff Low – turn off time lower byte ’00’ .. ‘FF’ – inclusion of a preset time TimeOff in the case of cyclic switching :
* ‘0000’ – no waiting for inclusion – immediately
* ‘0001’ .. ‘FFFF’ delay for turn on after a specified time in seconds ( 1 .. 65535) = (1s .. 18 hours) , after expiring TimeOff counter it will turn on outputin cyclic operation - 10. Cyclic-Events repeatable (’00’ .. ‘FF’). Number of repetitions of events – not counting the first run – sequence of a single cycle
» a) Turn on the output
» b ) waiting for TimeOn counter/timer is 0
» c ) Turn off output
» d ) waiting for TimeOff counter/timer is 0
» e ) return to the “a” point , if not programmed number of repetitions performed
For example, an event DirectEvent “7F 01 21 02 01 00 0A 00 03 F0” means a recurring event for “eHouse CAN” controller #1 and #2 outputs »4 times : turn on the output for 10s then turn off for 4 minutes.
For more information : Smart Home eHouse CAN/RF