Delphi Open Source Software for Windows control panels peace
Smart Home eHouse – development software for Room control panels of building automation.
Delphi programming library is discussed in more detail in the post Smart House eHouse – Peaceful Windows Control panels.
We upgraded to the current version of eHouse controllers compatible with the state for November 2012 .
Currently, the software has the following features :
- visualization and control system eHouse 1 under the supervision of a PC
- visualization and control system eHouse 1 under the supervision of CommManager
- visualization and control system of Ethernet eHouse
- Ready for room / controller – control panel ( HeatManager , RoomManager , EthernetRoomManager )
- Controlling devices eHouse1 under the supervision of a PC – event recording control for drivers in the event queue for the application eHouse.exe
- Controlling devices eHouse 1 under the supervision of CommManager and – direct message control events ( via LAN ) to the controllers via CommManager
- Control of Ethernet devices eHouse – direct message control events ( LAN ) directly to the controller
Mode of operation of the software is forced through a file in the directory “% ehouseDir %\ehouse1.cfg” version eHouse 1 under the supervision of a PC. Otherwise, the software running in real mode drivers by downloading status and sending commands directly via LAN , Ethernet or WiFi .
Panels now support :
- control individual outputs on/off with buttons
- read the status of outputs from controllers and highlight respective buttons
- reading and visualization of all measuring inputs values
- Implementation of the program – buttons
- Implementation of the heating program – (Only for Ethernet controllers )
- synchronization status of the LAN controllers via UDP
- synchronization status by the file system driver for eHouse 1
- Record of events to queue for eHouse.exe application – eHouse 1 under the supervision of a PC
- Sending events over a TCP/IP directly to controllers for other configurations
The source code can be found at
Delphi open source
The code is distributed under the GNU open source only for registered eHouse users.
Require sending a copy of the source code of the software to update and improve the errors and the further development.
Using software to create their own applications outside of Open Source is only possible on the basis of individual commercial license .
For more information about the system eHouse is on the manufacturer website intelligent Building , Smart Home Manufacturer .