eHouse Smart Home Create Visualization

Create views and images for graphical visualization and control for eHouse system

Smart Home , intelligent Building eHouse allows you to create individual images to control the graphics and visualization to control home.

To create eHouse system configuration with application “ehouse.exe” :

  • create the required devices (drivers) and giving them names
  • assigning names to all outputs , inputs , measurement inputs in the application eHouse
  • create a configuration to control the text from a Web browser , FTP , and mobile phones and panels “ehouse.exe /mobile”

Then you should export the settings for Corel Draw ( min VERSION 12) to create objects for graphical visualization and control , and complete images (views) .

This is done by running the application with a parameter “/cdr” – “ehouse.exe /cdr” .

The Corel Draw application is well known by users and with the support of macros , Visual Basic Script is suitable for this purpose perfectly.

The Corel Draw application – 30 day demo version can be downloaded from the manufacturer webpage.

For the purposes of eHouse system has been developed the necessary software in Visual Basic allow:

  • import names , events in a text file generated from the application eHouse
  • Document creation of an appropriate size for the home ( real dimensions in meters)
  • create a building footprint , architectural plan ( room) , objects allowing for accurate sizing and scaling ( giving the coordinates )
  • manually create objects in a document
  • export configuration files ( text ) for different methods of visualization and graphical control :
    • Visualization and graphical control Windows XP , Vista , 6 – For PC , Pads , touch panels are compatible with PC .
    • Visualization and graphical control Java – For PC , Pads , touch panels are compatible with PC .
    • visualization and graphical control Windows Mobile – for PDA , Touch panels , mobile phones , TouchPhones , SmartPhones etc, Pads..
    • visualization and graphical control Android – for PDA , Touch panels , mobile phones , TouchPhones , SmartPhones etc, Pads..
    • For a web browser in several ways (to whatever you can control your system from different types of devices , web browsers , the operating system :
      • HTML + Maps + background image
      • XML + SVG
      • SVG + Java Script for compression and visualization

Creating a view is based on:

  • copy blank template available in the installation directory should give it name of future view such Ground , attic , plot
  • run the macro to create objects (detailed description is given in documentation smart home eHouse point 4.11)
  • create a document by entering the dimensions in meters and press the “create document” which automatically creates layers with names related to the names in the system eHouse
     creating a template for visualization , import the configuration of the application eHouse
  • using macros to put the outline of the building and the walls giving the coordinates of the points
     create objects that require accurate dimensioning , stroke walls , architectural design
  • layers associated with certain eHouse events , outputs , inputs place objects , which will then appear on the visualization
     drawing objects on individual layers associated with events eHouse system , state outputs , input , measuring inputs .
  • create a configuration for each method of visualization  visualization export text files for all methods for the visualization
    It should be in the parameters of the macro to enter the dimensions of the target control panel ( in centimeters ) and press the button corresponding to the method of visualization and graphical control .

The final result of the project demo with dynamic fields replaced is the measurement data the first to know by the visualization software .
 ready template for visualization and graphical control for the demonstration project Visual effects in a variety of graphical control methods are presented in the gallery to visualize differences .

Gallery of images – eHouse Smart House – graphic control and visualization based on the demonstration project